Saturday, June 15, 2013

Weimar Republic

For the Weimar Republic assignment for the first song I chose:

"Chuck Out the Men" (Raus mit den Männern), by Friedrich Hollaender

The part of the song that  I would like to interpret is
"The men get their pick of professions they're policemen or scholars or clerks
They get rich and acquire possessions like we wives who keep house for these jerks
They're ruining the country while we mop up the floor
They're flushing this whole nation down the drain
Sisters stand together, let's show these men the door
before they drive us totally insane"


Die Männer bekommen ihre Wahl von Berufen, sie sind Polizisten oder Wissenschaftler oder Angestellte
Sie reich und Besitztümer zu erwerben, wie wir Frauen, die Haus zu halten für diese Idioten
Sie ruinieren das Land während wir den Boden wischen
Sie sind Spülen dieses ganze Nation den Bach runter
Sisters zusammen stehen, zeigen wir diesen Männern die Tür
bevor sie treiben uns total verrückt

Obviously, the song is about how man are powerful than women, and how they get more and more while women are just consider housewife's. The artist Friedrich Hollaender, is trying to make a point actually, man are always going to be consider better than women. I believe we are up to a point where now a days more women are taken more into consideration in the job market.
I chose this song because as a women I do believe that women can do the job equally or even better than a man. I've done some research about this topic before in another class, and we discovered that the numbers between man and women are not so far from each other. I feel great about doing the research because we need to be treated the same or better than a man. 

The second song that I chose is:

It's All a Swindle" (Alles Schwindel), by Mischa Spoliansky and Marcellus Schiffer

The part of the song that I would like to interpret is:


Papa swindles
Mama swindles
Grandmama's a lying thief
We're perfectly shameless
but we're blameless
after all it's our belief
Nowadays the world is rotten
honesty has been forgotten
fall in love but after kissing --
check your purse to see what's missing
Everyone swindles some
my son's a mooch and so's the pooch


Papa Schwindeleien
Mama Schwindeleien
Großmama ist ein Dieb liegen
Wir sind vollkommen schamlos
aber wir sind schuldlos
schließlich ist es unsere Überzeugung,
Heute ist die Welt ist faul
Ehrlichkeit ist in Vergessenheit geraten
verlieben sich aber nach küssen -
überprüfen Sie Ihre Handtasche, um zu sehen, was fehlt
Jeder betrügt einige
mein Sohn ist ein mooch und so ist das Hündchen

This part of the song is a little bit interesting in the way that is talking about how people that are very close to you are people that you should not believe in. Is talking about how the world is full of devils basically. That when you are kissing someone check your purse to see what's missing, I mean this is very insensitive but in a way it's true. You don't know who to believe anymore, not even your family, because I've seen and heard so many stories that makes you feel like you are all alone in this world. I chose this quote because it relates what our world is going through, and how now a days it's so hard to trust someone. 

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