The passage that I'm choosing is:
The administrative staff, which externally represents the organization of political domination, is, of course, like any other organization, bound by obedience to the power-holder and not alone by the concept of legitimacy, of which we have just spoken. There are two other means, both of which appeal to personal interests: material reward and social honor. The fiefs of vassals, the prebends of patrimonial officials, the
salaries of modern civil servants, the honor of knights, the privileges of estates, and the honor of the civil servant comprise their respective wages. The fear of losing them is the final and decisive basis for solidarity between the executive staff and the power-holder. . There is honor and booty for the followers in war; for the demagogue's following, there are 'spoils'--that is, exploitation of the dominated through the
monopolization of office--and there are politically determined profits and premiums of vanity. All of these rewards are also derived from the domination exercised by a charismatic leader.
I think what this quote is trying to say is that the company itself its hold off by its staff
members, they are the ones that maintains the company on float. Obviously, people
are working not just to be part of that organization but for other reasons, such as, to
earn money in a decent way, to better themselves, and to learn from others. Organizations
sometimes take people for granted, but when they see themselves in a situation that
they are not replaceable they don't like it because it makes them too dependable on
one person.
I chose this quote because it makes a lot of sense, especially in today's economy where
employees are not being treated the way they are suppose to be treated. People just want
to better themselves, and organizations sometimes do not let them move forward. I
sometimes feel like at my work place, like I'm not going anywhere and the best thing
for me to do is to leave, but jobs are very hard nowadays to find and they don't want me
to go.
I feel you are correct because what Webber is essentially saying is that the power-holder controls its servants by means of money, which they do not want to lose. The power holders need the support of its servants and they in turn need incentive for them to stay and if that disappeared there would be no commonality between the two. In today's economy however they only look out for themselves. As a business major I understand the perspective of a company and as a worker I understand the struggles of workers. A company will only motivate workers who will benefit for the company and in turn that company will provide its worker with adequate resources to make sure they are contempt.