Friday, June 14, 2013

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is the first German silent horror film, directed by Robert Wiene.. It is one of the most influential movies of German Expressionist films and it was considered one of the greatest horror movies of the silent era in film. The film used stylized sets, with abstract, jagged buildings painted on canvas backdrops and flats. To add to this strange style, the actors used an unrealistic technique that exhibited "jerky" and dance-like movements. 

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is based on a mystic by the name of Dr. Caligari, who walked around with a 
somnambulist called Cesare They used to frequent the fairgrounds of different towns and for months 
Dr. Caligari kept town after town in a state of panic by a series of murders. All of them perpetrated in similar circumstances for he caused a somnambulist, whom he had entirely subjected to his will, to carry out 
his fantastic plans. By means of a puppet figure, modeled in the exact likeness of Cesare, which he laid in the chest when Cesare was away, Dr. Caligari was able to allay any suspicion which might fall on the somnambulist. 

This is the first time I've ever watched a silent movie, and to be honest it was not as bad as I thought 
it was going to be. Sometimes, it's educational to see how film have changed over the years and see that
people were also having fun without audio in a movie. The movie is supposed to be a horror film, but to me
it was a little bit comic and I'm glad it was because it's not easy to watch a silent movie when you are not
used to. The director of the film was trying to incorporate exaggerated characters making expressions with
their faces and many many hand movements, disturbing scenarios, shadows and dark makeup, horror and 

This a quote from Dr. Caligari when he found out that a patient was being admitted to the clinic where 
he was working as a director. "Now I shall be able to prove whether a somnambulist can be compelled 
to do things of which he knows nothing, things he would never do himself and would abhor doing-- 
whether it  is true that one in a trance can be driven to murder."

The scene where one of the characters was killed and the police was trying to find who did it and also
his friend was desperate looking for the killer. While the police was looking for a suspect, Dr. Caligari was
in his house "sleeping" with Cesare, so no one can blame him or Cesare. The friend was looking through
the window to see if they were actually sleeping, but he didn't realized that Cesare was actually a puppet
that looked like Cesare. This part of the movie was really like wao! he really fooled them for days, they didn't even realized that Cesare was not in his cabinet. Everything came down to the truth when Cesare kidnapped a lady to kill her, but he couldn't do it because he was going to get caught. When she woke up after fainting, she was really scared and told everyone that it was Cesare who was trying to kill her, but Alan did not believed her because he was in Dr. Caligari's house watching them sleeping. Then he went to the police and told them to go to Caligari's house to really make sure that Cesare was asleep, when they got there and they took the cabinet out, Cesare was actually a puppet, that's how they knew that Cesare was the master behind all the mysterious crimes. 

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