Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dada Manifesto

Quote: "Dada is a new tendency in art. One can tell this from the fact that until now nobody knew anything about it, and tomorrow everyone in Zurich will be talking about it. Dada comes from the dictionary. It is terribly simple. In French it means "hobby horse". In German it means "good-bye", "Get off my back", "Be seeing you sometime". In Romanian: "Yes, indeed, you are right, that's it. But of course, yes, definitely, right". And so forth."
                                                                                                                –Hugo Ball; Dada Manifesto 1916

Meaning of Quote:

What do I think about this quote? To me it means that at first people were uncertain about the meaning of "Dada" and Hugo Ball was trying to incorporated it into our daily lives. Hugo explains that nobody knew anything about it,  but he was sure that by tomorrow everyone in Zurich was going to be talking about it. He knew it was not going to be easy but it was going to change the meaning of art radically. Hugo explains that Dada is a simple word with a simple meaning. It might have different meanings all over the world, but it was sure that the meaning of art that he wanted to implement it was taking place. 
Why I chose this quote:

I chose this quote because a word so small had such a big meaning all over the world, its just amazing. Hugo made a great impact on art. Now a days we still see words with many many definitions, but that's what makes it great and beautiful and make an impact on humans.

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